Relevant Government & Industry Associations

Government Acronyms & Associations:
  1. DOT- Department of Transportation ( )
  2. FMCSA - Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration ( )
  3. TC - Transport Canada Test Method 905 ( )
  4. CSA - Compliance, Safety, Accountability ( ) ( Vehicle BASIC )
  5. MOT - Ministry of Transportation ( please visit the required Provincial Authority )
  6. CCMTA - Canadian Council of Motor Transit Authority ( )
  7. NSC - National Safety Code Standard 10 ( )
  8. NCTR - National Center for Transit Research - University of South Florida ( NCTR 
  9. CVSA - Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance ( )
  10. CAGE - The Commercial and Government Entity Code - [a unique identifier assigned to suppliers to various government or defense agencies] 
  11. TEA - Transportation Engineering Agency                                                               ( )
Industry Acronyms & Associations:
  1. WSTDA - Web Sling & Tie Down Association ( )
  2. AWRF - Associated Wire Rope Fabricators ( )
  3. ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials. The organization develops over 12,500 voluntary consensus standards. ( )  ASTM B 117  
  4. ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers ( ) 
  5. SC&RA - Specialized Carrier & Rigging Association ( 
  6. AMSA - American Moving & Storage Association ( )
  7. ATA - American Trucking Associations ( )
  8. SWTO - Southwest Tow Operators ( 
  9. TTSA - Texas Towing & Storage Association ( )
  10. TXTA - Texas Trucking Association ( )
  11. ANSI - American National Standards Institute ( )
  12. PESA - Petroleum Equipment & Services Association ( )
  13. IFAI - Industrial Fabric Association International ( ) | for Tent Erection ( )
  14. TTMA - Truck Trailer Manufacturers Association ( 
  15. NTDA - National Trailer Dealers Association ( )
  16. NATM - National Association of Trailer Manufacturers ( 
  17. NATDA - North American Trailer Dealers Association ( 
  18. NACM - National Association of Chain Manufacturers ( )
  19. CI - The Cordage Institute ( )
  20. EC - EN 12195-1:2010/C2:2014 ( )
  21. Lloyds British ( )
  22. Lloyd's ( 
  23. NARSA - North American Railshippers Association ( )
  24. WSC - World Shipping Council ( )
  25. AAR - Association of American Railroads ( )
  26. TTCI - Transportation Technology Center Inc. a wholly owned subsidiary of the AAR ( )
  27. AGA - American Galvanizers Association ( 
  28. AHA - Auto Haulers Association of America ( )
  29. RVIA - Receational Vehicle Industry Association ( 
  30. ACRP - Association of Crane & Rigging Professionals ( 
  31. NCCOO - National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators ( )
  32. AWEA - American Wind Energy Association ( 
  33. SARS - Southwest Association of Rail Shippers ( )
  34. FEMA - Farm Equipment Manufacturers Associations ( )
  35. ADED - The Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists ( )
  36. AMECA - Automotive Manufacturers Equipment Compliance Agency ( )
  37. HAI - Helicopter Association International ( )
  38. IANA - Intermodal Association of North America ( )
  39. UMTRI - University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute( http://wheelchair-and-tiedownrestraint-testing )
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